
On Sunday, June 12, 2011 0 comments

     I already knew who will be my classmates before the opening of classes. I expected laughter, fun, and happiness with them in the class, but I was wrong. I didn't experience much of them. Silence must be observed because we are in between the Chemistry Laboratory and our class adviser's place. Even though I didn't expect what I must, at least I always have my friends around.

     I'm not feeling so excited about the opening of classes because as what I mentioned, I already knew who and what my classmates are. I felt that the summer vacation is not enough for me and because of that, I experience a little bit of a hangover of the vacation. When having classes, almost everyone is so serious that no one is even telling a joke. I can't even participate well in the class. I'm feeling nervous when reciting and it caused me to answer questions wrong and stupid.

     Even though I didn't feel so excited, at least I felt a little bit of it because almost everything is new. New school supplies, uniforms, students, teachers, rules, subjects, class organization, etc. Good thing I completed all the requirements before going to school and it made me feel confident. I'm also happy because I have pocket money/allowance everyday but not on vacations. I spend it for food, projects, and others. I save some for future needs.

     When the time I saw our schedule, I felt a kind of like I'm cheated. Every Monday, our recess in the morning and the first half of our lunchtime will be gone because we must attend Spanish classes during that time. It affects me a lot because I have to eat breakfast before going to school. It can cause me to be late in the flag ceremony. Actually I don't eat my breakfast during Monday when I was still a freshman and sophomore or else I might be late.

     At the end of the first day, I was challenged because we already had a bunch of assignments, and a project too! But it's ok for me because I'm used to it and it's natural in our school. I can say that our school is different from the others. Comparing to other schools, their classes always start with the voting for the class organization and school clubs. But in our school, we already started having regular classes. I hope the following days of our classes will be fun as I expected. Unity and oneness must be the top of the triangle. Each of us must never forget our experience being a high school student and being a III - Oxygen.

Just kidding! In our school, we don't bring gadgets and other stuff shown above.
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