
On Monday, June 20, 2011 0 comments

Everyone in this whole wide world, even a kid or an adult, has his/her father. A father who is courageous, friendly, knowledgeable, kind, and a man whom you can trust on and will always be right on your side. Unfortunately, others have their family broken because their parents might have fought and then break apart. To celebrate this Father's Day, I dedicate this letter to my dependable dad, Mark Dominic A. Sanchez.

My father and I have the same birthday and most people said that we are alike. Actually I don't agree to that but in comparing our attitudes, I think we are alike. My father is caring and hardworking. He teaches us the right thing to do. He cooks delicious food for us. He washes our clothes and even fetches me at school during my elementary days.

My Dad

With all those positive traits comes these negative traits. With his friends, he's a gossip and he also has a loud voice. He's thriftiness is excessive. Even though these traits are bad, his positive traits are still on top. These negative traits don't really affect us.

He spends his time with us to have a strong bond. We are lucky to have him as our father because he would sacrifice his life for us to live. I believe that my dad is one of the best dads in the world.

Sadly, this Father's day, I didn't even greet him "Happy Father's Day" because I'm too shy to say it to him. I'm closer to my mom than my dad, that's why. So if he could just read this, I just want to say to him that I thank him for all the support he gave to us, for guiding us, and for having his great concern for us. I also want to say that I love him. Even though I didn't greet him this Father's day, I know that it's ok for him because he can feel our love and respect to him.

Lastly, for all the fathers out there, Happy Father's Day!


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