
On Tuesday, July 26, 2011 0 comments

Every person has his own weakness and frights. When I was a kid, I'm scared when I pass on dark roads or ways. I don't know why but when ghosts and other scary stuffs come into my mind, I run but not as fast as I can. While running, I think of fun stuffs to forget those scary ones. I thought of people I love, my crush and the positive thought that I can go home. When I'm really scared, I run as fast as I can and sing "♫ Happy Birthday To You ♪".

I'm also scared of videos or animations that surprise the watchers with scary faces. It's scary, seriously, but after I bash my chair out of the computer while sitting and watching the video, I laughed out to myself. I said to myself: "What the hell?!". Sometimes, before watching a full-buffed video, I scan the last part first to know if there is a shocking surprise there. Then, if there really is, I will prepare myself before that part will be on. Even though I know that there will be a surprise, I still get shocked! I don't know why but again, every time I get shocked by these surprises, I laughed out to myself after because I'm very clumsy.

Every time I remember those moments, it gives me a flashback of my childhood. Even though it's a little bit scary, I still laugh to myself to overcome the fear and also to prevent the embarrassment from others. Hope I can overcome this non-sense fear. How about you? What do you fear? I hope it's not too scary at all.


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