
On Sunday, October 16, 2011 0 comments

Well, I'm really afraid to answer this question because people might think that I am boastful. Yes, I would consider myself a giving tree because I have many friends and they are good to me. There was a time that I asked them If I am a good friend. I can’t believe that I didn’t receive negative comments. I received some but I know it to myself and I accept that.
I am a giving tree because in times of happiness and danger, I am always there at service for my friends. I am not the person who is a “kill joy”. Every time we will go to my classmate’s house, I don’t refuse to go because for sure it will be fun there.
I want everyone to be happy. If one is not happy, I approach him and ask if he has problems. Every time my friends have problems, I don’t refuse to give them my piece of advice. So, I really am a giving tree. Even though my friends hurt me for fun, I don’t get angry easily. I give them the happiness they want. I prioritize them first before myself just for them to be happy.


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